Suzuki Grand Vitara SQ416/SQ420/420WD

since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Suzuki Grandee of Wetar
+ General information
+ Maintenance and greasing
+ Heater, ventilation and conditioner
+ Steering
+ Suspension bracket
+ Wheels and tires
+ Forward driving shaft/bearing of a shaft. Oil epiploon
+ Driveshafts
- Brake system
   + Brakes
   - Brake highway/hose / main cylinder of a brake
      - General description
         Assembly of the main cylinder
         Assembly of the brake amplifier
         + LSPV Assembly (a regulator of brake forces of a back axis if is)
      Check and adjustment
   + Forward brakes
   + Parking and back brake
   + Anti-blocking brake system (ABS)
+ Engines
+ Fuel system
+ ignition System
+ start System
+ release System
+ Transmissions
+ Coupling
+ Transfer
+ Forward and back differentials
+ Windows, mirrors, locks and security measures. Immobilizer
+ Electric equipment

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Brake highway/hose / main cylinder of a brake

General description

Assembly of the main cylinder

For the vehicles equipped with additional system of restriction of the movement "air bag" (a safety airbag):

  • Service of components of an airbag of safety ("air bag") and near them or works with electroconducting should be carried out only by the authorized dealer of SUZUKI. Non-compliance with security measures can lead to inadvertent operation of system or put system out of action. Any of these two conditions can lead to a serious trauma.
  • Works on maintenance should be begun not earlier than in 90 seconds after the ignition switch is transferred to the situation "LOCK/LOCK" and a negative cable disconnected from the battery. Otherwise the system can be activated by reserve energy of the module of sensors and diagnostics.

All fastenings of brakes are important elements of fastening and can affect work of the vital details and systems, and/or considerably to affect repair cost. It is necessary to replace them with details having the same number or equivalent if such replacement is necessary. Do not use for replacement of a detail of the worst quality or substitutes. It is necessary to observe the specified values of a torque of an inhaling at assembly to provide long service life of all details. It is not necessary to use welding as it can lead to extensive damages and weakening of metal.

The main cylinder has two pistons and three cuffs of the piston. Its hydraulic pressure is created in primary («a» in drawings) and auxiliary («b») by chambers. The hydraulic pressure created in the primary chamber («a») affects brakes of forward wheels (in a vehicle without ABS on back brakes).

Similarly hydraulic pressure created in the auxiliary chamber («b») affects brakes of back wheels (for vehicles without ABS on forward brakes).

Replace all components included in a repair kit for service of the main cylinder. Grease rubber parts with pure fresh brake liquid to facilitate assembly. Do not use the production compressed air with greasing for brake details as it can damage rubber elements. If any hydraulic components are removed or brake highways are disconnected, pit air from brake system. The specified values of a torque of an inhaling belong to dry, ungreased fastenings.


1 — a spring ring of a stopper of the piston
2 — a piston stopper
3 — a cylinder cuff
4 — a plate
5 — the primary piston
6 — a piston cuff
7 — a returnable spring of the primary piston
8 — the primary holder of a spring
9 — a cuff of pressure of the secondary piston
10 — the secondary piston
11 — a secondary nest of a returnable spring
12 — a returnable spring of the secondary piston
13 — a lock bolt of the secondary piston
14 — the case of the main cylinder
"A" — the primary piston
"B" — the secondary piston

Without ABS

1 — a spring ring of a stopper of the piston
2 — a piston stopper
3 — a cylinder cuff
4 — a plate
5 — the primary piston
6 — a piston cuff
7 — a returnable spring of the primary piston
8 — the primary holder of a spring
9 — a cuff of pressure of the secondary piston
10 — the secondary piston
11 — a secondary nest of a returnable spring
12 — a returnable spring of the secondary piston
13 — a lock bolt of the secondary piston
14 — the case of the main cylinder
"A" — the primary piston
"B" — the secondary piston

With ABS for models with folding top

1 — a spring ring of a stopper of the piston
2 — a piston stopper
3 — a cylinder cuff
4 — a plate
5 — the primary piston
6 — a piston cuff
7 — a returnable spring of the primary piston
8 — the primary holder of a spring
9 — a cuff of pressure of the secondary piston
10 — the secondary piston
11 — a secondary nest of a returnable spring
12 — a returnable spring of the secondary piston
13 — a lock bolt of the secondary piston
14 — the case of the main cylinder
"A" — the primary piston
"B" — the secondary piston