Suzuki Grand Vitara SQ416/SQ420/420WD

since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Suzuki Grandee of Wetar
+ General information
+ Maintenance and greasing
+ Heater, ventilation and conditioner
+ Steering
+ Suspension bracket
+ Wheels and tires
+ Forward driving shaft/bearing of a shaft. Oil epiploon
+ Driveshafts
+ Brake system
+ Engines
+ Fuel system
+ ignition System
+ start System
+ release System
+ Transmissions
+ Coupling
+ Transfer
+ Forward and back differentials
+ Windows, mirrors, locks and security measures. Immobilizer
- Electric equipment
   + body Electric equipment
   + lighting System
   - Electric equipment system
      - General description
         - Battery
            Support and holder
            Electrolit freezing
            The built-in indicator (if is available)
            Battery service
      + Diagnostics
      + the Works made on the car
      + Major maintenance
      + Specifications
      Inhaling moments
   + Tools/information for drivers

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Battery service

  • Never subject the battery to influence of open fire or an electric current as the battery causes explosive gas.
  • Do not allow hit of liquid of the battery in eyes, on skin, fabrics or the painted surfaces as liquid is corroding acid. At contact of liquid to the above-stated surfaces immediately and carefully wash out them water.
  • Batteries should be stored in places inaccessible to children.
  1. The battery is a reliable component, but, nevertheless, needs periodic service.
    • Keep a battery support clean.
    • Prevent formation of a rust on battery plugs.
    • Support evenly high level of electrolit in all cells.
  2. If you long time use the battery on the car, follow the instructions provided below.
  3. Weekly at start heat up the engine to normal working temperature with speed of 2000-3000 rpm. Before putting the car in garage, be convinced that all switches are in «OFF» position.
    • Recharge the battery twice a month to prevent an excessive discharge. It is especially important, when ambient temperature low.
    • The battery can be discharged even then when it is not used while the car costs in garage. If the battery properly is not charged, at low ambient temperature of electrolits can freeze, and the case of the battery can crack.
  4. Keep battery wires clean. Connections of wires, especially on the positive plug (+), can be oxidized. Corrosion or a rust on wires and the interfaced surfaces complicate movement of an electric current.
  5. Regularly clear plugs and accessories to provide good contact "metal-metal", and grease connections after each procedure of cleaning to protect them from a rust.
  6. You always should be well informed about a condition of a charge of the battery.
  7. The simplest way – check by a hydrometer (hydrometer). The hydrometer (hydrometer) is a tool for measurement of specific weight (S.G.) battery electrolit.
  8. The specific mass of electrolit testifies to a condition of a charge of the battery. See. Section Diagnostics of this Chapter.